GVD MARKETS Capital Ltd., (operating under the trading name “GVD Markets”) is a limited liability company incorporated and registered under the laws of Comoros, with Company number HY00723419 and a registered address at Bonovo Road – Fomboni Island of Mohéli – Comoros Union (hereinafter the “Company ” and/or “GVD Markets ” and/or “we ” and/or “our ” and/or “ us”). The Company is authorised and regulated by the Mwali International
Services Authority (the ‘ MISA’).
This document outlines the terms and conditions of the MENA Region IB Competition (the “Competition”), exclusively available to Introducing Brokers (“IBs”) registered in the MENA region and their clients registered with GVD Markets. The Competition aims to incentivise our MENA region IBs to facilitate client registrations and promote active trading within GVD Markets.
This is an expansion plan specially customized for partners in the MENA (IB) region. Through this plan, GVD Markets hopes to take this opportunity to work hand in hand with more partners in the MENA region.
By participating in this Competition, the IB agrees to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, as well as the Company’s IB Agreement and other legal documents available on GVD Markets ’ official website.
1. Eligibility
1.1. This Competition is available to all accounts that an IB’s Clients maintain with the Company.
1.2. To participate, IBs must ensure their clients have successfully registered, completed the required due diligence and Know Your Client (KYC) procedures, and have activated their trading accounts.
1.3. The following conditions apply for each month of the Competition:
1.3.1.A minimum of ten (10) new client depositors per month for three (3) consecutive months.
1.3.2.A minimum player value of USD 3,000 for each month during the three-month period.
2. Competition Period
This Competition will run for three (3) months, commencing on October 1st, 2024 and concluding at the end of December 2024.
3. Prizes
3.1. First Prize: USD 25,000 in cash.
3.2. Second Prize: A trip to Cyprus, including a VIP experience to watch a football game from the exclusive boxes at Alpha Mega Stadium.
4. Participation Confirmation
Participation in the Competition is automatically confirmed upon the IBs meeting the eligibility criteria through their registered Clients.
5. Winner Selection and Progress Updates
5.1. Winners will be selected based on their adherence to the eligibility criteria and overall performance throughout the three-month competition period.
5.2. Progress updates and results will be communicated to participants via email on a weekly basis. Each email will include detailed information on client registrations, trading activity, and the current standings within the competition.
6. Conditions
6.1. The IB’s clients must maintain active trading accounts and meet the monthly deposit and player value criteria.
6.2. Only deposits made by the client will be considered for the Competition. Introducing Broker(s) ’ or Affiliate(s) ’ rebates or commissions will not count towards the deposited amount.
7. Abusive Behaviour
7.1. If the Company suspects an IB or their client has engaged in abusive trading behaviour or violated these terms, the Company reserves the right to exclude the IB or client from the Competition.
7.2. Examples of abusive behaviour include, but are not limited to: 7.2.1.Opening multiple accounts to claim rewards.
7.2.2. Providing false documents to register multiple accounts.
7.2.3. Engaging in trading activities that constitute fraud, manipulation, or attempts to make risk-free profits.
8. Risk Disclosure
The Company acknowledges that trading CFDs involves high risk, and participants should be aware of potential losses.
9. Alteration, Amendment, Suspension, or Cancellation
GVD Markets reserves the right to alter, amend, suspend, or terminate the Competition at any time, at its sole discretion.
10. Dispute or Misinterpretation
In the event of a dispute or misinterpretation of the terms, the Company’s decision s hall
be final and binding.
11. Official Language
The official language of the Competition is English. Translations may be provided for convenience; however, in case of discrepancies, the English version will prevail.
12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the Company is registered shall govern this terms and conditions and any disputes between the parties, unless otherwise specified by law.